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Matthew's decimal HTML escape sequences table

Have you ever wanted to write completely incoherent HTML code? Do you want people to hit "view source" on your webpage and think "What is this guy's problem?" You've come to the right place!
CharacterCode CharacterCode CharacterCode CharacterCode
NULL�  @@  €  ÀÀ
Start Header  AA    ÁÁ
Start text  BB  ‚  ÂÂ
End Text  CC  ƒƒ  ÃÃ
End Trans.  DD  „  ÄÄ
Enquiry  EE  …  ÅÅ
Ack.  FF  †  ÆÆ
Bell  GG  ‡  ÇÇ
Backspace  HH  ˆˆ  ÈÈ
Char Tab	  II  ‰  ÉÉ
New Line
  JJ  ŠŠ  ÊÊ
Line Tab  KK  ‹  ËË
Form Feed  LL  ŒŒ  ÌÌ
  MM    ÍÍ
Shift Out  NN  ŽŽ  ÎÎ
Shift in  OO    ÏÏ
Datalink Escape  PP    ÐÐ
Dev. Control 1  QQ  ‘  ÑÑ
Dev. Control 2  RR  ’  ÒÒ
Dev. Control 3  SS  “  ÓÓ
Dev. Control 4  TT  ”  ÔÔ
Neg. Ack.  UU  •  ÕÕ
Synch. Idle  VV  –  ÖÖ
End Trans. Block  WW  —  ××
Cancel  XX  ˜˜  ØØ
End Medium  YY  ™  ÙÙ
Substitute  ZZ  šš  ÚÚ
Escape  [[  ›  ÛÛ
File Separator  \\  œœ  ÜÜ
Group Separator  ]]    ÝÝ
Record Separator  ^^  žž  ÞÞ
Unit Separator  __  ŸŸ  ßß
Space   ``      àà
!!  aa  ¡¡  áá
""  bb  ¢¢  ââ
##  cc  ££  ãã
$$  dd  ¤¤  ää
%%  ee  ¥¥  åå
&&  ff  ¦¦  ææ
''  gg  §§  çç
((  hh  ¨¨  èè
))  ii  ©©  éé
**  jj  ªª  êê
++  kk  ««  ëë
,,  ll  ¬¬  ìì
--  mm  ­­  íí
..  nn  ®®  îî
//  oo  ¯¯  ïï
00  pp  °°  ðð
11  qq  ±±  ññ
22  rr  ²²  òò
33  ss  ³³  óó
44  tt  ´´  ôô
55  uu  µµ  õõ
66  vv  ¶  öö
77  ww  ··  ÷÷
88  xx  ¸¸  øø
99  yy  ¹¹  ùù
::  zz  ºº  úú
;&#59;  {{  »»  ûû
<&#60;  |&#124;  ¼&#188;  ü&#252;
=&#61;  }&#125;  ½&#189;  ý&#253;
>&#62;  ~&#126;  ¾&#190;  þ&#254;
?&#63;  &#127;  ¿&#191;  ÿ&#255;

Enter in a sentence to encode into all escape sequences here:

All applets and scripts were developed by Matthew Reeder. Please get my permission before using these applets on your own site.
(And trust me, it will be easier if I help you use them :-p)