List of applets |
Name | Description | Categories |
Utopian Calculator (age 12) | For calculating your most important province stats in the web-based role playing game, Utopia. Unfortunately, it's well out of date. |
Binary-Decimal Converter | An applet I wrote as a favor for a friend |
util, CS142 lab 5(old)
BYU GPA Calculator | A stylish way of figuring out your GPA according to BYU's system |
Temperature converter | Another applet inspired by and only loosely based on a program for the entry-level programming class at BYU, this one converts Celsius to Fahrenheit and back with a graphical thermometer. |
CS142 lab 3, Animated, util
CS 142 Grade Calculator | A beefed up version of a programming assignment to calculate the student's grade for the class, with a useless random test score feature. |
CS142 lab 3, util
GIAWA | GIAWA Is A Weather Applet - I finished this one the same day as the one above due to having found that the settings on this webserver were changed so it could work. It displays the weather for any zip code. Weather and graphics are borrowed from Accuweather. |
Animated, util