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My java Applets - Games

List of applets
BreakoutThe classic Atari game Breakout, also known as Arkanoid in some circles, with my own personal touch. The new high scores list is up and functioning. Animated, Games
TetrisAn applet version of the classic puzzle game. Check out the new high score list! Animated, Games
Guessing Game AppletThe 4th lab for the entry level programming class at BYU with a GUI Games, CS142 lab 4
Toxic Field SweeperA game similar to Minesweeper, with standard beginner, intermediate, and expert sizes. Challenge the high score lists (linked from the applet page)! Animated, Games
KiabaKiaba Is A Breakout Applet - this is my first Yajags-compliant Applet in theory, reworking my old Breakout applet. Animated, Games, YAJAGS
See all applets.
Report bugs and give suggestions here
These applets were developed by Matthew Reeder. Please get my permission before using these applets on your own site.
(And trust me, it will be easier if I help you use them :-p)