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My java Applets - Ecard

List of applets
Animated heartsomething I used as part of a home-made e-card for the most wonderful woman in the world, if you want to use it, you can now send it though my E-card site. Animated, Ecard
Another Animated HeartFrom another e-card for a very special girl, also available to be sent from my E-card site. Animated, Ecard
Happy Birthday cardA happy birthday card I made for a good friend, and reused a few times. It's the first of two similar birthday animations I've made that are both available to be sent as E-cards. Animated, Ecard
falling letters appletA customizeable applet that displays any number of messages in bouncing letters. I used it as a goodbye card and to ask a special someone to homecoming one year. Now you can also send it (with whatever message spelled out) at my E-cards site. Animated, Ecard
Hello world appletI know, most "Hello World" programs are really boring and go on the top of the page. This one was actually the final part of my animation tutorial when I gave it. The message can be changed from the HTML parameters, and I decided to take advantage of that and let you send it (if you feel so inclined) as an E-card. Animated, Ecard
New Happy Birthday AppletModified version of the previous Happy Birthday E-card applet with image buffering and more letter action. This one can be sent from my E-cards page. Animated, Ecard
See all applets.
Report bugs and give suggestions here
These applets were developed by Matthew Reeder. Please get my permission before using these applets on your own site.
(And trust me, it will be easier if I help you use them :-p)