List of applets |
Name | Description | Categories |
Animated heart | something I used as part of a home-made e-card for the most wonderful woman in the world, if you want to use it, you can now send it though my E-card site. |
Animated, Ecard
Another Animated Heart | From another e-card for a very special girl, also available to be sent from my E-card site. |
Animated, Ecard
Happy Birthday card | A happy birthday card I made for a good friend, and reused a few times. It's the first of two similar birthday animations I've made that are both available to be sent as E-cards. |
Animated, Ecard
falling letters applet | A customizeable applet that displays any number of messages in bouncing letters. I used it as a goodbye card and to ask a special someone to homecoming one year. Now you can also send it (with whatever message spelled out) at my E-cards site. |
Animated, Ecard
Hello world applet | I know, most "Hello World" programs are really boring and go on the top of the page. This one was actually the final part of my animation tutorial when I gave it. The message can be changed from the HTML parameters, and I decided to take advantage of that and let you send it (if you feel so inclined) as an E-card. |
Animated, Ecard
New Happy Birthday Applet | Modified version of the previous Happy Birthday E-card applet with image buffering and more letter action. This one can be sent from my E-cards page. |
Animated, Ecard