List of applets |
Name | Description | Categories |
Polygon Drawing Applet | Probably the first applet I ever wrote. |
CS142 lab 7
Animated Polygon | A beefed up version of the previous. |
CS142 lab 7, Animated
The Mandelbrot Set | Manipulates everyone's favorite complex fractal. More in the works in that area. Best at higher resolutions. |
CS142 lab 13(old), Fractals
Julia Set | Manipulates a fractal related to the Mandelbrot set, as well as the Mandelbrot Set. |
CS142 lab 13(old), Fractals
pedigree chart drawer | The final exam from my entry-level Computer Science class at BYU. |
CS142 lab Final
Binary-Decimal Converter | An applet I wrote as a favor for a friend |
util, CS142 lab 5(old)
sumation/product calculator | The final exam from the entry-level Computer Science class at BYU when I was a TA for the class |
CS142 lab Final
Interest Calculator | An interest calculator applet that is used as an example for the entry-level Computer Science class at BYU |
CS142 lab 10
Bank Account Applet | A way overboard version of what should be a somewhat simple programming project for the entry-level programming class at BYU |
CS142 lab 5/6
Fight Song Applet | A way overboard version of what should be an even simpler programming project for the entry-level programming class at BYU |
CS142 lab 3
Magic Square applet | My attractive version of a programming assignment from the entry-level Computer Science class at BYU. |
Animated, CS142 lab 8
Shapes applet | A glorified animated version of another programming project in the entry-level Computer Science class at BYU. |
Animated, CS142 lab 9
The most chaotic applet in the world | How much more chaotic could one get than my "Hello World" applet with the interacting letters and a zoomable mandelbrot set all in one? |
Animated, Fractals, CS142 lab 13(old)
Temperature converter | Another applet inspired by and only loosely based on a program for the entry-level programming class at BYU, this one converts Celsius to Fahrenheit and back with a graphical thermometer. |
CS142 lab 3, Animated, util
CS 142 Grade Calculator | A beefed up version of a programming assignment to calculate the student's grade for the class, with a useless random test score feature. |
CS142 lab 3, util
Favorite Scripture Applet | The assignment was to geometrically draw the Angel Moroni and add your favorite scripture underneath. So much for geometrically drawing... This would have been way simpler in html :-p |
CS142 lab 3
Guessing Game Applet | The 4th lab for the entry level programming class at BYU with a GUI |
Games, CS142 lab 4
Complex Fractal Generator | Inspired by the Mandelbrot Set programming assignment in CS 142, but completely gone awry. This is the 'beta' of a project I worked on off and on for probably 6 months. |
CS142 lab 13(old), Fractals
YAAPA | Yet Another Animated Polygon Applet - my supervisor wanted everyone to do the labs for CS 142, so I did another one of these... |
CS142 lab 7, Animated
YAMSA | Yet Another Magic Square Applet - another redo of a CS 142 lab, rendering magic squares much like the Animated Magic Square applet, but this time with a matrix theme. |
CS142 lab 8, Animated
Moon Generator | Randomly places craters and maps bump to an otherwise spherical body. Another overhaul on a CS 142 lab. |
CS142 lab 6, Fractals |